Porn Recovery Group

Find freedom from porn addiction.

A porn recovery group to help you break the cycle of addiction and recover from its negative impact.

Pornography addiction tends to be kept a secret. You may believe it’s something you can keep in the privacy of your home or office and no one has to know. It doesn’t cause visible changes in your appearance and you can continue to function in your day-to-day life. No harm, no foul, right?

Wrong. Watching porn is highly destructive to your life. And just like any other addiction - it will take from you more than you ever imagined. 

The statistics are staggering 

Porn consumption is not a small problem in any means. Here are some of the numbers found by recent studies and research:

  • The majority of men view porn at least on a monthly basis, including 64% of Christian men. (Covent Eyes)
  • 25% of all internet searches are sex-related and 35% of downloads are pornographic. (Psych Central)
  • 1 in 5 mobile searches accesses porn. (Covent Eyes)
  • The average age of first exposure to Internet porn is 11. (Psych Central)
  • 28% of people visit pornographic websites while they’re at work. (Webroot


With the ease of access to pornography increasing due to the increased use of technology, it can make stopping feel even more difficult than it already was. 

The negative effect that porn has on your life

Porn can destroy your relationships. Research has found that the wives or girlfriends of men who consume porn struggle with lower self-esteem. And while you may think that watching porn together is a good way to add some spice into your relationship, but it’s been found to diminish a woman’s sexual confidence. It can also lead you to view women merely as sexual objects. 

Porn can destroy your marriage. Porn has been linked to 300% increase in infidelity. Obsessive use of pornographic websites is connected with more than 50% of divorces.

Porn can destroy your sexual experience. While it sounds counterintuitive, the more porn you watch, the more damage it does to your own sex life. It creates unrealistic expectations that cannot be met in real relationships. 

Porn can cost you your job. One study found that 33% of people who identify as “sex-addicts” have lost their employment because of it. 

Porn can destroy your finances. 58% of sex addicts admit that they have suffered from financial losses because of their addiction. 

Porn can destroy your self-esteem. It’s common for men to strive to be self-controlled and disciplined. You may strive to appear that you have everything in control in your life. But when you know that you have this hidden addiction, you know that you’re living a lie. This can lead to shame and guilt that rob you of confidence. 

Along with the challenges listed above, viewing porn can cause trouble in your mental health, emotional health, and spiritual health as well. You may find that you’re beginning to struggle with:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Substance use (tobacco, alcohol, drugs)
  • Anger or irritability
  • Social anxiety

Even if you feel like you’re able to hide your addiction from those in your life, it’s only a matter of time before you start to experience the negative effects of it on your life. And because pornography addiction changes the way your brain works, it’s not as easy to control as you might think.

There is help available to overcome your pornography addiction

Pornography is very destructive to the individual viewing it, their partner, and their relationship. It’s a bad option all the way around. And once you start, it can be hard to stop on your own. 

That’s the bad news. The good news is that there is a way out!

For years I have counseled men who struggle with a hidden addiction to pornography. There is a path to help you stop the destructive behavior and begin repairing the damage that it has caused in your life and/or relationship. 

If you’re ready to take the first step toward recovery and freedom from pornography, I encourage you to call my office today to secure your spot.