

What Will You Do When Your Partner Stonewalls You?

By Chris Cambas / November 2, 2021 /

You can call it the silent treatment, being frozen out, or stonewalling. It’s what happens in romantic relationships or workplace settings when someone refuses to discuss important issues. They tune you out, give you one-word answers, walk away, or change the subject. It can be especially frustrating and distressing when it happens with someone you…

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10 Tips for Taming your Ego

10 Tips for Taming Your Ego

By Chris Cambas / October 21, 2021 /

Are you having challenges in your relationships because of your ego? Would you know it if you were? Possibly not! Your ego could be in charge without you even realizing it. There are two basic types of ego issues: 1. The arrogant ego2. The overly sensitive and easily wounded ego Neither is attractive, and both…

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Emotional Abuse Blog

How to Recognize Emotional Abuse in Your Relationship

By Chris Cambas / September 8, 2021 /

Does your partner emotionally abuse you? Emotional abuse can be subtle and difficult to recognize. But this type of abuse can erode your feelings of self-worth and chip away at the happiness you deserve. How can you recognize the signs of abuse so you can take steps to protect yourself? Threatening Behavior An abusive person…

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Toxic Relationship

Are You in a Toxic Relationship? Beware of These Signs

By Chris Cambas / September 8, 2021 /

You may long to be in a relationship, but not all relationships are created equal. Some relationships cause more grief than they’re worth. While being alone can be a bit of a downer, it can be preferable to being in a toxic relationship. Ask yourself if your relationship is enhancing your life or making it…

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Digital Age Romance

13 Ways to Romance Your Partner in a Digital Age

By Chris Cambas / August 29, 2021 /

Dating apps and social media have changed the way love looks, but romance is still alive. Think of technology as giving you more opportunities to let your partner know how much you appreciate them. Today, you can enjoy the convenience of digital communications and rediscover the beauty of more traditional courtship methods. Consider these ideas…

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Relationship Challenges

7 Relationship Challenges and What To Do About Them

By Lori Cambas / August 29, 2021 /

Relationships are challenging. In the beginning, it’s all fun and games, but relationships evolve over time. The ability to handle these challenges effectively determines how successful the relationship will ultimately be. Be prepared for the most common relationship challenges and know how to deal with them. All relationships have challenges sooner or later: 1. The…

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Fit Relationship Blog

How Fit Are You in Your Relationship?

By Chris Cambas / August 29, 2021 /

Physical fitness is the key to the success of famous athletes. Their physical fitness begins with a desire to be not only better than the next athlete, but to also be the best at what they do. This mindset enables them to prepare their mind as well as their bodies for success. Being mentally ready…

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Balance in your life

Life Balance Action Plan

By Chris Cambas / August 25, 2021 /

It can be helpful to reminisce and reflect on your relationship to strengthen and reinforce your connection. Storytelling is a great way to do this, but you may also want to write your responses in a journal and then discuss things from both perspectives. Sit down together as a couple and answer one or two…

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Gratitude changes everything

Developing Gratitude in Relationships Action Plan

By Lori Cambas / August 24, 2021 /

It can be helpful to reminisce and reflect on your relationship to strengthen and reinforce your connection. Storytelling is a great way to do this, but you may also want to write your responses in a journal and then discuss things from both perspectives. Sit down together as a couple and answer one or two…

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